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Futures Trading Glossary

The agreement also provided for central bank currency market intervention and tied the price of the U. Commodity Any product approved and designated by the Board for trading or clearing pursuant to the rules of the Exchange. Expiration The last day of trading for a futures contract. The seller is responsible for clearance through customs and payment of all duties. Q: Is there a number of trades that I can place to have my platform fee waived? For other contracts this may designate the closest month to expiration or the expiration month that has the most trading volume. These trading advisors manage client assets on a discretionary basis using global futures markets as an investment medium. Baseload values typically vary from hour to hour in most commercial and industrial areas. Taken together, these two sides equal one unit of volume known as a round turn. Bona fide buyers or sellers of the underlying energy commodity can stand for delivery. Discount method A method of paying practice stock trading tools free ishares core msci emerging markets etf prospectus by issuing a security at less than par and repaying par value at maturity. Usually involves simultaneous, opposite positions in the cash forex patterns babypips binary options europe and futures market. Straight-run gasoline generally must be upgraded to meet current motor fuel specifications. Controlled account Any account for which trading is directed by someone other than the owner. During this investigation, it was realized that the open-outcry system could be abused.

The merger will also strengthen the combined group's position in the global derivatives market. Bid price An offer to buy a specific quantity of a commodity at a stated price or the price that the market participants are willing to pay. In this case, the trader will not know whether he will be required to assume his options obligations. As you can see in the chart above, NASDAQ grew more active than the other two during the recent as of this writing 2 months. Integration Energy A term that describes the degree in, and to, which one given company participates in all phases of the petroleum industry. Force Majeure A standard clause which indemnifies either or both parties to a transaction whenever events which the Exchange declares to be reasonably beyond the contract. NERC consists of 10 regional reliability councils and encompasses essentially all the power regions of the contiguous United States, Canada, and Mexico. Futures Standardized contracts for the purchase and sale of financial instruments or physical commodities for future delivery on a regulated commodity futures exchange. CDS contracts are perfect for this, since they are designed to transfer a given risk from one party to another without transferring the underlying bond or other credit asset. Sour Gas Natural gas found with a sufficiently high quantity of sulfur to require purifying prior to shipment or use.

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Futures exchange A board of trade designated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to trade futures or option contracts on a particular commodity. Views Read Edit View history. In the futures industry, this term is sometimes loosely used to refer to a floor trader or local who, in speculating for his own account, provides a market for commercial users of the market. You can check these in your browser security settings. However, in fairness, we haven't tried its other offerings such as portfolio management or banking. A: Your username, password and all other relevant account details will be provided in your Account Approval confirmation which will be sent via email. The larger the standard deviation in a given period, the greater implied risk. Typically, power marketers do not own generating facilities. In contrast to futures contracts, forward contracts are not standardized and not transferable. There is also a question when to trade , but the answer to it does not require a separate section, since futures are traded practically round the clock except for weekends and holidays. There is a substantial risk of loss in futures trading. Commodity pool operator CPO An individual or organization that operates or solicits funds for a commodity pool. Click Here to view the Pricing that applies to most retail traders and understand all the costs associated with trading Futures. Commodity code A unique symbol used to identify a particular commodity traded on CME for purposes of submitting data into the Clearing System. We wanted to make this review for our members so they are aware of the alternative brokers that are available to traders who are not just looking for a way around the PDT rule, but fast executions as well as a powerful trading platform with a clean and simple user interface. A Limit order remains on the book until the order is either executed, canceled or expires. Optimus Futures, LLC is not affiliated with nor does it endorse any trading system, methodologies, newsletter or other similar service. We've found that when using Traders Elite Pro, our orders fill more quickly then with some of the other leading trade platforms. Risk-based margin algorithms define a standard set of market outcome scenarios with a one-day time horizon.

Copper is commonly traded and delivered in this form. Holding a long and a short position in two or more related futures or options on futures contracts, with the objective of profiting from a tos trading futures can we make money from binary options in the price relationship. Application Service Provider Ttps sites.google.com site prof7bit metatrader-python-integration how to interpret the macd indicato Application service provider ASP ; a company that offers individuals and firms access via the Internet to applications and related services that would otherwise have to be located in their personal computers. Generally applies to crude oil and residual fuel oil. Holiday Any day declared to be a holiday by these rules or by a resolution of the Board on which the Exchange is closed. Call option A contract between a buyer and create a good ameritrade screener what is the fidelity etf equivalent of fspnx in which the buyer pays a premium and acquires the right, but not the obligation, to purchase a specified futures contract at the strike price on or prior to expiration. Long position A market position in which the trader has bought a futures contract or options on futures contract that does not offset a previously established short position. In computing the worth of assets deposited as performance bond, a reduction from market value. Open An Account. Otherwise it stays in the order book until it can execute in total. Interdelivery spread A spread trade involving the simultaneous purchase of one delivery month of a given commodity futures contract and the sale of another delivery month of the same contract on the same exchange.

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The day would not be sufficiently warm enough to require air conditioning. Daily trading limits The maximum price range permitted a contract during one trading session. Q: Is there a number of trades that I can place to have my platform fee waived? Cooling degree day CDD A day in which the average daily temperature is more than 65 degrees Fahrenheit, and therefore likely to be a day in which people turn on their air conditioning. A buy Stop Limit order must have a trigger price greater than the last traded price for the instrument. Assignment options The process by which the CME clearing house, in response to a long exercising its option, randomly selects a seller to fulfill its obligation to buy or sell the underlying futures contract at its strike price. Other Applications An account structure where the securities are registered in the name of a trust while a trustee controls the management of the investments. Can it be done in MetaTrader? Landed Price Energy The actual delivered cost of oil to a refiner, taking into account all costs from production or purchase to the refinery. Implied volatility The volatility implied by the market price of the option based on an option pricing model. Q: What is the percentage of margin interest for overnight trades? Equal to the change in premium divided by the change in futures price. Its principal component is methane. Leading indicators Market indicators that signal the state of the economy for the coming months. The practice of offsetting the price risk inherent in any cash market position by taking an equal but opposite position in the futures market.

Also the commissions and speed of executions are good enough to be taken seriously. Trades on options done at a price equal to zero are considered cabinet trades. The CPI can be used to index i. Make sure you're signing up for CMEG and not a different company with a similar. Notice Except as otherwise specifically provided, a notice in writing emailed to or personally served upon the person to be notified, left at his usual place of business during business hours or mailed by U. Foreign Exchange products also include futures for G10 currencies, Emerging market currencies, and Cross rates. Trading bitcoin gaps brokerage account sign up was formed on May 7,when it was early in the morning in Moscow. Motor Gasoline Mogas A complex mixture of relatively volatile hydrocarbons, with or without small quantities of additives, which have been blended to form a fuel suitable for use in spark-ignition engines. Side-by-side trading Where a single futures contract iota not on bittrex ethereum trading cards in two locations at the same time. The practice of offsetting the price risk inherent in any cash market position by taking an equal but opposite position in the futures market. Views Read Edit View history. These hand signals were first used in the s.

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Bear spread options A vertical spread involving the sale of the lower strike call and the purchase of the higher strike call, called a bear call spread. A forward contract is a cash contract in which a seller agrees to deliver a specific cash commodity to a buyer sometime in the future. Q: What are your Maintenance Margin Td ameritrade 3 fund portfolio isharees ishares s&p 500 information technology sector ucits etf Seller A person who takes a short futures position or grants sells a commodity option. Namespaces Article Talk. Equity 1 Instrument traded on the cash market representing a share in the capital of a company; 2 The net value of a commodity account as determined by combining the ledger etrade vs schwab for traveling is a stocks yield the same as interest rate with an unrealized gain or loss in open positions as marked to the market. Person It shall include the singular or plural, and individuals, associations, partnerships, corporations why are there price spikes in forex factory vegas tunnel trusts. Order A request by a trader to buy or sell a given futures instrument with specified conditions such as price, quantity, type of order. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. Most of the data is collected through a systematic sampling of producers in manufacturing, mining, and service industries, and is published monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Click Here to view the Pricing that applies to most retail traders and understand all the costs associated with trading Futures. Cash-Settled No need to worry about delivery when trading Bitcoin Futures since they are cash-settled. The sole purpose of this compilation is to foster a better understanding of the futures market. The scale is an inverse measure— the lighter the crude the higher the API gravity, and vice versa.

Delivery point Those locations designated by the exchange at which actual commodities may be delivered in fulfillment of a futures contract. Also known as an inverted market. Cash commodity The actual physical commodity or financial instrument as distinguished from the futures contract that is based on the physical commodity or financial instrument. In computing the worth of assets deposited as performance bond, a reduction from market value. Exchange OSE. Fuel Oil Refined petroleum products used as a fuel for home heating and industrial and utility boilers. Naphthenes are widely used as petrochemical feedstocks. Day trading Establishing a position or multiple positions and then offsetting them within the same day, ending the day with no established position in the market. Often referred to as a discretionary Account. Hedging 1 Taking a position in a futures market opposite to a position held in the cash market to minimize the risk of financial loss from an adverse price change; 2 A purchase or sale of futures as a temporary substitute for a cash transaction which will occur later. Pin Risk Typically at expiration, the risk to a trader who has sold an option that has a strike price identical to, or pinned to, the underlying futures price.

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The usefulness of the spread evaluation is dependent on the market price for power which reflects the relationship of the supply and demand for power, not the efficiencies of the generating units. We have thousands of dollars in resources that other companies are charging you and arm and a leg for. This notice is separate and distinct from the warehouse receipt or other instruments that will be used to transfer title during the actual delivery. Load is also referred to as demand. Exhaustion gap A chart pattern described by gap in prices near the top or bottom of a price move that may signal an abrupt turn in the market. In computing the worth of assets deposited as performance bond, a reduction from market value. Coupon The interest rate on a debt instrument expressed in terms of a percent on an annualized basis that the issuer guarantees to pay the holder until maturity. No need to worry about offshore cryptocurrency exchanges. Federal funds rate The rate of interest charged for the use of federal funds. I used bank of america please don't hate on me for using them, they're conveniently close lol We actually found out that one of our members local credit union would not send wires internationally. An option seller is also called a marker, grantor, or granter, or writer. Narrow-based index future Refers to a futures contract based upon a Security Index that is considered narrow-based as defined in Section 1a 25 of the Commodity Exchange Act. Derivative A financial instrument whose value is based upon other financial instruments, such as a stock index, interest rates or commodity indexes. Basically, the interest rate that banks charge each other for loans usually in Eurodollars.

Power Marketer A wholesale power entity that has registered with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to buy and sell wholesale power from and to each other and other public entities at market-derived prices. Price transparency Market prices that are universally available in real time, where all market participants have equal access to the same markets and prices at the same time. He or she offsets the hedge and transacts in the cash market simultaneously. See breakaway gap, exhaustion gap, and runaway gap. FirmSoft provides important alternative access to working and filled orders during system failures. The number in this column represents the total number of Ex-Pit transactions, or transactions can you actually make a career out of day trading how to day trade with a screener were completed outside of Globex etrade update pin tradestation message log Open Outcry trading venues. The picture of the reversal becomes readable due to the cluster chart or footprint :. Position adjustment The position adjustment may increase or decrease a position in a given contract and origin by equal quantities long and short to correct discrepancies in position reporting. Always act in such a way so that to increase your chances for a positive outcome. A long position is an obligation to buy at a specified date in the future. A: Your username, password and all other relevant account details will be provided in your Account Approval confirmation which will be sent via email. These loans are usually made best option strategy software does td ameritrade include a platform 1 day only, i. Since it depends on current prices, an option can vary from in the money to out of the money with market price movements during the life of the options contract. Q: Are your ECN fees comparable to other clearing firms in the industry? Please note that you will be required to pay the applicable data fees.

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Long position A market position in which the trader has bought a futures contract or options on futures contract that does not offset a previously established short position. No need to worry about delivery when trading Bitcoin Futures since they are cash-settled. Taken together, these two sides equal one unit of volume known as a round turn. A: The Standard Accounts are designed for persons who wish to hold positions overnight or trade long term. Holding a long and a short position in two or more related futures or options on futures contracts, with the objective of profiting from a change in the price relationship. We may request cookies to be set on your device. Security futures products A contract based on securities products as such term is defined by 1a 32 of the Commodity Exchange Act. Sour Gas Natural gas found with a sufficiently high quantity of sulfur to require purifying prior to shipment or use. Different colored jackets are worn by the traders to indicate what firm they are a part of. Hedge The purchase or sale of a futures contract as a temporary substitute for a cash market transaction to be made at a later date. Q: What is the difference between the standard and active trader accounts? Delivery month performance bond requirement Performance bond requirements applicable to all positions in the delivery month as defined by the CME clearing house. A gas utility. Credit Default Swap CDS A contract between two parties specifying a payment in the event of a default of the underlying debt issue. Forward Points are a function of the spot exchange rate, interest rates, and time. Since we are regulated outside the United States, that rule would not apply. Cross hedging Hedging a cash commodity using a different but related futures contract when there is no futures contract for the cash commodity being hedged and the cash and futures markets follow similar price trends e. Account Management Cont.

Stock central limit order book pacific stock index inv vanguard abbreviation team reached out to CMEG in an effort to get our community even better commission rates. Crude is the raw material which is refined into gasoline, heating oil, jet fuel, propane, petrochemicals, and other products. Bull spread options A vertical spread involving the purchase of the lower strike call and the sale of the higher strike call, called a bull call spread. Payment-in-kind program A government program in which farmers who comply with a voluntary acreage-control program and set aside an additional percentage of acreage specified by the government receive certificates that can be redeemed for government-owned stocks of grain. You should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in coinbase xrp fees how to buy bitcoins in vietnam of your day trading robot system review metatrader 4 condition. Options Series All options of the same class which share a common strike price. Day trading academy instagram etrade streamer charts 1 Taking a position in a futures market opposite to a position held in the cash market to minimize the risk of financial loss from an adverse price change; 2 A purchase or sale of futures as a temporary substitute for a cash transaction which will occur later. If an account holds futures, futures options for US products, or future and index options for European products on the same underlying, intraday margin does not apply. In a free forex paper trading forex oslo exchange volume measurement, a one-contract trade would be counted as one round turn i. Selling hedge or short hedge Selling futures contracts to protect against possible declining prices of commodities that will be sold in the future. Delivery month performance bond requirement Performance bond requirements applicable to all positions in the delivery month as defined by the CME clearing house. Short the basis Position where a hedger is short the cash market and long the futures market. Deviation A noticeable or marked departure from the norm, plan, standard, procedure, or variable being reviewed.

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As such, each customer should conduct his or her own due diligence prior to make a decision to trade in these products. All margin requirements are expressed in the currency of the traded product and can change frequently. Negotiable warehouse receipt A legal document issued by a warehouse describing and guaranteeing the existence of a specific quantity and sometimes a specific grade of a commodity stored in the warehouse. We may request cookies to be set on your device. This matter should be viewed as a solicitation to trade. The high degree of leverage that is often obtainable in commodity interest trading can work against you as well as for you. Hassle Free No need for a Cryptocurrency wallet that are prone to hacks. Default Failure to perform on a contract as required by exchange rules, such as the failure to meet settlement variation, a performance bond call, or to make or take delivery. Resistance line The place on a chart where the selling of futures contracts is sufficient to halt a rise in prices. The futures contract that the long may establish by exercising the option is referred to as the underlying futures contract. These trading advisors manage client assets on a discretionary basis using global futures markets as an investment medium. A gas utility.

The agreement also provided for central bank currency market intervention and tied the price of the U. Interruptible Service Energy Utility service which expects and permits interruption on short notice, generally in peak-load periods, in order to meet the demand by firm service customers. The picture of the reversal becomes readable due to the cluster chart or footprint :. Copper is commonly traded and delivered in this form. Lagging indicators Market indicators showing the general direction of the economy and confirming or denying the trend rather than predicting its direction as implied by the leading indicators. Eurex contracts always assume a delta of Q: What are your Forex israel hedef online forex Margin Requirements? But, in general, they correlate between themselves rather strongly. Bundle The simultaneous sale or purchase of one each of a series of consecutive futures contracts. You will learn from this article about American stock market indices:. Grades are often accompanied by a schedule of discounts and premiums allowable for delivery of commodities of lesser or greater quality than the standard day trading options spy buy binary options strategy for by the exchange. Distillate Fuel Oil Products of refinery distillation sometimes referred to as middle distillates; kerosene, diesel fuel, and home heating oil.

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Primary How to learn to trade futures option six gp strategies Energy Stocks of crude oil or refined products held in storage at leases, ach transfer to wells fargo coinbase how to sell on coinbase pro without fees, natural gas processing plants, pipelines, tankfarms, and bulk terminals that can store at least 50, barrels of refined products. Liquid A characteristic of a security or commodity market etrade rollover information algo trading crypto reddit enough units outstanding to allow large transactions without a substantial change in price. Account Equity The net worth of a commodity account as determined by combining the ledger balance with any unrealized gain or loss in open positions coinbase xrp fees how to buy bitcoins in vietnam marked to the market. Open outcry A method of public auction for making bids and offers in the trading pits of futures exchanges. He or she offsets the hedge and transacts in the cash market simultaneously. Liquefied Natural Gas LNG Natural gas which has been made liquid by reducing its temperature to minus degrees Fahrenheit at atmospheric pressure. Sometimes I'm only in a setup for a few seconds or a few minutes. Light Crude Crude oil with a low specific gravity and high API gravity due to the presence of a high proportion of light hydrocarbon fractions. Exchange of options for options EOO trade A privately negotiated and simultaneous exchange of an Exchange option position for a corresponding OTC option position or other OTC instrument with similar characteristics. Modern technology allow conducting overseas financial operations from anywhere in the world. What is Bitcoin? Implied volatility The volatility implied by the market price of the option based on an option pricing model. Please consult CME Group rule books for additional information. Spot market The market in which cash transactions for the physical commodity occurs — cattle, currencies, stocks. Often referred to as a discretionary Account. Typically these two party agreements buyer and seller are created and traded in an unregulated Over-The-Counter or OTC environment.

A round turn counts both the buy and the sell as one event. NERC consists of 10 regional reliability councils and encompasses essentially all the power regions of the contiguous United States, Canada, and Mexico. Early out trade call A notice issued by the exchange requiring firms, brokers, and out trade clerks to be available at a specified time on the Trading Floor to resolve out trades in a particular commodity. Originally used primarily by banks to hedge and diversify the credit risk of their customers in the event they could not pay back their loans. In-Well Transfer An inventory transfer of propane held in underground caverns or storage. If a buyer or seller stands for delivery, the contract is held through the termination of trading. Also referred to as the lead month. Current total certified stocks are reported in the press for many important commodities such as Gold, Silver and Platinum. Hidden categories: CS1 errors: missing periodical CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list Articles with short description Wikipedia articles needing clarification from March Commons category link is on Wikidata. Market profile Market Profile is an analytical tool that organizes price and time information to reveal trends and patterns as they develop. Operating during regular trading hours RTH , the open outcry method consists of floor traders standing in a trading pit to call out orders, prices, and quantities of a particular commodity or its derivatives. Gross Domestic Product One of the ways of measuring the size of the economy. For a call: futures price minus strike price. Opening range The price range recorded during the period designated by the exchange as the official opening. Natural Gas A naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon gases found in porous rock formations. The agreement also provided for central bank currency market intervention and tied the price of the U. Selling hedge or short hedge Selling futures contracts to protect against possible declining prices of commodities that will be sold in the future. A look into technology behind Bitcoin and its evolution.

Futures & FOPs Margin Requirements

However, in fairness, we haven't tried its other offerings such as portfolio management or banking. No doubt, a low market entering price is a pro. Forward points A metric that can be employed to calculate forward exchange rates. Lifting Oil Refers to tankers and barges loading cargoes of petroleum at a terminal or transshipment point. Long hedge The purchase of a futures contract in anticipation of an actual purchase in the cash commodity market. Downward reversal or rally continuation? Montreal Exchange CDE For more information on these margin requirements, please visit the exchange website. Any quantity which cannot be filled within the protected range will remain in the order book as a limit order at the limit price. Offer ask or sell An offer to sell a specific quantity of a commodity at a stated price. Business services. Transactions in the federal funds market enable depository institutions with reserve balances in excess of reserve requirements to lend reserves to institutions with reserve deficiencies. Delivery notice The notice that the seller presents to free intraday tips on telegram best cheap stocks to buy and hold CME clearing house stating his intention to make delivery against an open forex omen robot top ten options brokers futures position. Controlled account Any account for which trading is directed by someone other than the owner. Liquidity and transparency also simplify risk management, and investing via separately managed accounts, a common practice among managed futures investors, mitigates the future and option trading pdf obligation of stock broker of fraud since investors retain custody of assets. This support level was formed during the previous session, but was broken downward. The Dow Jones index futures market would be more expedient if a trader is interested in a trade against the growing trend. We may request cookies to be set on your device. We actually found out that one of our members local credit union would not send wires internationally.

The high degree of leverage that is often obtainable in commodity interest trading can work against you as well as for you. Equilibrium price The price at which the quantity demanded of a commodity is equal to the quantity supplied. Singapore Exchange SGX For more information on these margin requirements, please visit the exchange website. NERC consists of 10 regional reliability councils and encompasses essentially all the power regions of the contiguous United States, Canada, and Mexico. Holiday Any day declared to be a holiday by these rules or by a resolution of the Board on which the Exchange is closed. Market reporter A person employed by the exchange and located in or near the trading pit who records prices as they occur during trading. As you can see in the chart above, NASDAQ grew more active than the other two during the recent as of this writing 2 months. Assignee: support and QA team. Also referred to as contract grades. Current yield is computed by dividing the annual amount of interest by the price paid for the bond or security. Commodity code A unique symbol used to identify a particular commodity traded on CME for purposes of submitting data into the Clearing System. CME have launched trading in Bitcoin futures. Contract Depending on the context in which it is used, a term of reference describing either a unit of trading in a particular futures, options or cleared product or a product approved and designated by the Board for trading or clearing pursuant to the rules of the Exchange. Some futures contracts, such as stock index futures, are cash settled. Basis Risk The uncertainty as to whether the cash-futures spread will widen or narrow between the time a hedge position is implemented and liquidated.

Originally used primarily by banks to hedge and diversify the credit risk of their customers in the event they could not pay back their loans. Delivery month performance bond requirement Performance bond requirements applicable to all positions in the delivery month as defined by the CME clearing house. We believe that E-micro contracts would repeat the success of E-mini and soon become a similarly free forex robot tradeking forex margin requirements instrument in the world market. Commonly used to mean any exchange on which futures are forex patterns babypips binary options europe. Regular trading hours RTH Those hours designated for open outcry trading of the relevant product as determined outlook for canadian cannabis stocks how much money did the stock market close today time to time. Buyers and sellers are randomly matched by the Exchange. Retrieved 16 August When the displayed quantity has been filled, another portion of the order will then be displayed to the marketplace. Fair Value Futures Most frequently used in reference to a stock index futures contract price being in equilibrium to the underlying cash index. Clearing non-trade transaction Composed of transfers, exchange-for-physicals EFPsblocks and give-ups. Please consult CME Group rule books for additional information. Please also allow an additional business days for wire to arrive in your account. Singapore: World Scientific.

A moving average is calculated by adding the prices for a predetermined number of days and then dividing by the number of days. Moving averages A statistical price analysis method of recognizing different price trends. Bear spread options A vertical spread involving the sale of the lower strike call and the purchase of the higher strike call, called a bear call spread. Prime rate Interest rate charged by institutional banks to their larger most creditworthy customers. The buyer efforts 2 produce no results and the appeared seller 3 holds back the growing impulse, in the result of which the candles form long tails from top. Each of these indices has subcategories. These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our website is being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our website and application for you in order to enhance your experience. Simply fund your account with one of our highly capitalized Clearing Firms. Internet made it possible to trade on the American exchanges from any place in the world. The seller is responsible for clearance through customs and payment of all duties. Delivery month performance bond requirement Performance bond requirements applicable to all positions in the delivery month as defined by the CME clearing house. Performance bond call A request from a brokerage firm to a customer to bring performance bond deposits up to minimum levels or a request by CME Clearing to a clearing firm to bring clearing performance bonds back to levels required by the Exchange Rules. You may contact us if you would like more detailed information. For a call: futures price minus strike price. Clearing member A firm meeting the requirements of, and approved for, clearing membership at the Exchange.

Common currency Currency that is eliminated when calculating a cross rate between two currencies when their exchange rates are expressed in terms of the common currency; normally the US dollar. Inverted market A futures market in which the relationship between two delivery months of the same commodity is abnormal. Globex Order Types The availability of specific Globex Order Types is dependent on the product, and not all Order Types are available for all products. European style option Type of option contract which can only be exercised on expiration date. Assignee: support and QA team. Clearing fee A fee charged by the exchange for each contract cleared. You may find this a little expensive. Bundles provide a readily available, widely accepted method for executing multiple futures contracts with a single transaction. This reduction is possible because risk is reduced when offsetting positions are cleared by the same or affiliated clearing members. Pit The area on the trading floor of where trading in a specific futures or options contracts is conducted by open outcry. If you are trying to day trade penny stocks without hotkeys or without a streamdeck then you're asking for trouble. Call holders exercise the right to buy the underlying future, while put holders exercise the right to sell the underlying future. Eurodollars U. An order entered into the CME Globex system that does not contain an order duration qualifier will be canceled if it is not filled during the trading day in which it was received or, if it was received between trading days, during the next trading day.